Contribute to Check In & Check Out!
Would you like to feature on Check In & Check Out? Here's how:
Be a guest!
We're always looking for more travellers to share their hard-earned wisdom with us. So whether you're a single-trip domestic traveller or a world-weary travel veteran, we'd love to hear from you! The show focusses on folks who are spending their own, hard-earned money on collecting travel experiences, so if that sounds like you then get in touch. If you're a professional traveller and you've got something to offer our audience, send us an email to discuss.
Leave us a voice message
The widget below allows you to record a short voice message that we might use on the show! So whether it's a question, comment, or maybe the best piece of travel advice you've ever gotten, let us know below!
Please note: by submitting a voice message below you give us permission to use your first name as supplied and the message as part of the podcast, as well as part of any promotional materials or other materials used in connection with the podcast. Please note that recordings may be edited for brevity and privacy reasons.